Gold Coast in

Pixel Art Style

This project is an endless runner game developed in Unity, with the player character as a skater navigating through obstacles to earn points. The game is set in Gold Coast City and offers increasing difficulty as the player progresses. The game features a speed increase mechanic, pause and resume function, game over and restart options, and an obstacle spawning system. The code is written in C# and incorporates Unity game development principles such as object pooling and sound management.

Project Type

Mobile Game

Date Started


date finished



Game Developer - As the sole game developer and artist for Gold Coast Rush, I was responsible for bringing the game to life from start to finish. From conceptualizing the game mechanics to creating the pixel art tileset using Photoshop, I worked tirelessly to ensure that every detail was polished and engaging. Additionally, as this game was developed exclusively for Android, I took on the challenge of optimizing the game's performance for this platform. It was a rewarding experience to create a fun endless runner game that showcases my skills as both a game developer and artist.


BHLC - Aussie Animals